1Died4All uses the platform of sports to reach kids that might never walk through the doors of a church, but they will come to a sports camp. At the camp, they hear the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.
Trinity Church is honored to support this ministry to children around the world.


Trinity Church hosts 1Died4All basketball camp each summer for in Hampton Roads at the Virginia Beach Sports Center at the Oceanfront. It's a great way for us to share the gospel with our local reach partner schools and neighborhoods.
Check back here for more information about next year's camp!

1Died4All started in the McAdoo’s backyard after God gave Mack a vision of how to use the game of basketball as a platform to reach kids in and around their Norfolk neighborhood.
Since 2016, Mack and Janet have been traveling all over the world using the platform of sports to introduce the gospel.

Since 1Died4All's beginning, over 12,000 kids have attended a camp and more than 3,000 have made a personal decision to follow Jesus! This is all possible through your volunteer efforts. Whether you're a coach, admin, snack server, or just enjoy working with kids, there is a volunteer position for you.
Look for volunteer opportunities below at the beginning of each summer.
"This is my second time at 1Died4All basketball camp, and I remembered most of the returning volunteers and coaches. This year there were a lot of new kids, and I was a little nervous that I would not make a friend or feel included. I ended up having a great time, but something felt off. I couldn’t understand how the volunteers and coaches could continuously forgive and show love to the kids who were misbehaving. I wanted to be able to act like that! I talked with one of the coaches who explained to me about Jesus, and he forgave all of the people of the world by dying on the cross. I know now that Jesus loves me, forgives me, and I should forgive others just as he does."
– Testimony from a 1Died4All Camper

"The games were fun, but coaches’ corner is where the magic happened. We got to sit, catch our breath, eat some fruit snacks and allow the kids to talk about what went well and what they could do better and ended with prayers of thanksgiving. The campers blessed each other with uplifting, encouraging words full of truth! I’ve never seen a group of kids this age show each other so much grace! We know our campers felt loved by Jesus through us as coaches. Thank you, LORD, for this blessing and for memories that will last a lifetime."
– Testimony from a 1Died4All Coach